Nutrition to Under-Privileged
There are millions of children, pregnant women, senior citizens and poor families out there that are going hungry every day, as they can’t afford to buy food. Without the basic human need met, these people are struggling to survive and unable to perform their day to day activities.
Our goal is to provide a nutritious meal to these children, pregnant women, senior citizens and to poor families. These people are identified based on their economic status and current conditions. Every day we will provide one meal to them with complete nutrition. We will expand this to 2 meals per day as we get more funds.
Once this basic human need (hunger) is fulfilled, these children will focus more on their education, get better grades, and work towards achieving their long-term goals. Similarly adults will also focus and start doing work to earn money and support their families.
Rural Hope Foundation is planning to do the following programs:
- Provide free Mid-day meal to identified kids in schools
- Nutritous meals to pregnant women and senior citizens
- Breakfast to Homeless in Bay Area
- Participate in Sunnyvale Community Services “Produce Mondays”
- Support other organizations that serve meals to hungry
- Bay Area Rescue Mission
- Feed the children organization
- Feeding America, USA
- Food For The Poor Inc.
We earnestly request you to support our efforts to end human hunger. Donate generously to this cause.